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terça-feira, 10 de março de 2020

#Repost @luisbita • • • • • • Portugal 🐊💨 ••• #Sobek by #JBDigit & #Chemnovatic #MysticusCrocodilus #VapeOn #KeepOnVaping #MTLVapers #NotATobaccoProduct 🚭 #TobaccoFree #VapingIsNotTobacco #PTVapers #PersonaNonGrata ••• 👇 Disclaimer: ❕ Not sponsored or affiliated by any manufacturer, brand or store. ⚠️ #Vaping #Vape #eCig #eLiquid 🔞+18 Adults Only [or Country/State Legal Age] ❕ Don't Smoke? 👉 Don't Vape! ✌ ••• Este produto (eCig) pode conter Nicotina, a Nicotina é uma substância que cria forte dependência. Não é recomendado o seu uso por não fumadores. ••• "(...) electronic cigarettes should be used as smoking substitutes, by smokers unwilling or unable to quit smoking with currently approved medications. Electronic Cigarettes (eCig) should not be used by non-smokers (...)" http://bit.ly/2Cvebar

via Instagram http://bit.ly/3cLwZTp

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