Vaping, reviews, Mergulho, Video e Fotografia Subaquatica, Anuncios, Pensamentos, veiculos electricos! o que me vier à cabeça
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domingo, 25 de agosto de 2019
De uma vez por todas.... Que fique o esclarecimento.... #Repost @karakryptonite • • • • • • ➡️No, someone DID NOT die from VAPING⬅️ #FakeNews They died from an illegal street bought THC cartridge... 🙄 See how much the media hates us? THEY ARE: ✅ANGRY we are making the world BETTER. ✅ANGRY that people are waking up. ✅ANGRY that Big Tobacco, Big Pharma & State Governments are losing BILLIONS of dollars because of people choosing to vape INSTEAD OF smoke deadly cigarettes. ✅ANGRY they do not control the vapor market & doing EVERYTHING in their power to shut us down in order TO GAIN CONTROL of the industry to line their pockets. 🤔 #StayWoke #VAPINGSAVEDMYLIFE
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